Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Out and About in Perth ~ 12th November - 24th November 2010

We arrived in Perth to weather which was much cooler than we were used to. Hot weather was predicted during our stay, but the nights and early mornings were chilly.

A well kept secret was sussed out the night before the surprise - Leigh was coming to visit us for 5 days while we were there. This was very exciting!!!

Not so exciting was the vomiting Zali on the freeway on the way to pick Leigh up from the airport. Wrapped in a red blanket, I made my way into the terminal to wipe the chunky bits off the poor chook before we could see Leigh. Some kind lady asked me was Zali feeling the cold - no, completely naked underneath as her clothes were covered!! Not much better on the way home with another projectile. Leigh was quite restrained and strong (can't stand vomit on her own children), but was certainly happy to be out of the car as quickly as she could when we reached our set up. The vomiting happened on and off for the next 4 days and then Pete went down with the 'bug', too. So lucky at the moment that I am managing to avoid any illness the others have picked up!!

So what did we do with Leigh visiting:

* Rottnest Island - we spent the day exploring the beauty of Rottnest. Much colder water than we were used to and Zali and I enjoyed watching Leigh and Pete brave the water from the warmth of the sand. We didn't hire bikes (far too much hard work), but opted for the hop on and hop off bus which tours the islands. More tips about the best places to visit would have been handy. We were all concerned when we were the only people who hopped of the bus at the first stop. Lucky it was only for a short stop, as there wasn't much to see at the bay except seaweed. The highlight of this stop was the screaming that came from Leigh when she stopped for a bush wee and disturbed a resting quokka. Not sure who was more frightened..... Our next few stops really highlighted the beauty of Rottnest Island..... white sand, crystal clear water and unique rock formations.

* Shopping - following my successful renal check up at Royal Perth Hospital at 7.30 one morning (results were so good I don't think I should go back to work....), we hit the Harbour Town shopping complex. Zali had to come with us to make it a girls' day and had just as much fun choosing her own new clothes and shoes. There were some real bargains to be had.... of course, shopping happened on and off for the 5 days Leigh visited. It had been quite a while since any decent shopping had been available!!! So what didn't we buy.... among the collection we had purchased - hand bags, wallets, shoes, belts, adult clothes, children clothes, books, stickers and a diary. One small factor was omitted from my thoughts - where were they all going to fit in the van????

* Swan River Cruise - we spent an afternoon cruising the Swan River to Fremantle. There is just sooo much money in WA. The mansions along the river were amazing, but seriously, who can afford to pay nearly $60 million dollars for a property? And, why would you want to?? Zali loved the attention Leigh gave her and the painting of the nails with the newly purchased hot pink and gold glitter nail polish was a real hit!! They did look a treat!!! Most annoying was the company on our cruise. A group of Japanese tourists that had no interest in looking at what was being discussed, but rather playing a card game that was very noisy and speaking over each other. We stuck it out and we were most relieved they were only travelling one way on the cruise, others were not as resilient and bailed to other areas of the boat within minutes of departing Perth. Once we were off the boat, we headed to Hillary's boat harbour for a cocktail at the pub. Superb location and drink!!

* Lunch at Cottesloe Beach - what a beautiful part of the world Cottesloe is!!! Besides the great food, the views from Indiana Restaurant (much like Bathers at Balmoral) were just to die for. We were given our own little area for the 4 of us and we all just sat back, relaxed and enjoyed each others' company (while checking out who was on the beach - no famous people spotted, unfortunately). The sun was shining and the three different styles of home made pasta we ordered were delicious.

The next morning was the last Liddy was having with us. After some pancakes for breakfast, the girls headed to Fremantle markets for a look and to buy some fresh produce. The coffee, cake and chat at the end probably should have been left as when Leigh got to the airport with 40 minutes before her flight departed, they would not let her on. Poor thing then sat at the airport for 10 hours (Zali and I joined her for 3 hours to try and take some boredom away). Qantas have a lot to answer for. All tickets say check in 30 minutes prior to departure - not the case this day!!

Once Leigh had headed home, we spent some time relaxing around the park and catching up with some friends we had met along the way. Zali was thrilled to be able to play with Bianca again while Pete and I had a great catch up with Tash and Paul. Two little friends for life xxxx We also caught up with Tanya, Thalia and David, whom we had met just before coming to Perth. Lovely to just sit and chat about life and some of the difficulties it throws at us.....

Then it was time to pack up and get ready for the next leg of our journey - Kalgoorlie, Collie (to see where Michael used to work) and then onto Busselton. From here, I am flying home for 5 days to see everyone and to be with my family for the first anniversary of Michael's death. A hard one, but one that needs to be done. Pete and Zali will stay in Busselton and John is joining them to compete in the Iron Man series here on the weekend. I am certainly going home at the right time!!

To those I will not see on my short trip home to the east, I hope you are all well. To those I will see, looking forward to catching up and seeing you all!!

Love to everyone,
The Travelling Helsloots

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